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Environment|ISO 14001

Amidst rising concerns with the destruction of natural areas, higher pollution areas and climate changes, adopting sustainable practices has never been so important. In this sense, Ascenty is a pioneer in its segment: in 2016, it became the first Data Center company to receive the ISO 14001 certification.

The certification is based on the international standard established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It defines the requirements to properly implement and operate a sustainable environmental management system. Companies that adopt this standard invest and contribute to disseminating proper social and environmental practices across a wide range of aspects:

  • Environmental quality;
  • Corporate social responsibility;
  • Occupational health and safety.

Benefits for your company

The ISO 14001 certification attests that Ascenty operates in accordance with applicable laws and with complete respect to the environment, thus contributing towards promoting proper social and environmental quality across the globe.

  • Security of having data hosted in Data Centers that use renewable energy;
  • Environment designed to detect and eradicate fires with eco-friendly foam;
  • Efficiency and real-time monitoring of processes, since all of Ascenty’s processes are duly registered in management tools, based on the Zero Paper program.

Anti-bribery|ISO 37001

Guided by the commitment of conducting business activities in an ethical and professional manner, Ascenty is currently undergoing the ISO 37001 certification process, which is the Anti-Bribery Management System developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

This certification attests to Ascenty’s integrity across all areas of operation, guaranteeing the deployment and application of effective anti-bribery and anti-corruption systems.

Benefits for your company

  • Assurance that the company focuses on ensuring honest and ethical business activities;
  • Assurance of efficient anti-bribery and anti-corruption controls;
  • In addition, this certification reassures Ascenty’s total dedication to operating with integrity and ethics

Energy Management|ISO 50001

Energy is the primary input for the seamless operation of a data center. With that in mind, Ascenty, which has more than 20 high-energy data centers, is focused on ensuring that its systems are energy efficient. The company works to train and empower its technical staff to ensure the continuous improvement of its processes, always in compliance with the applicable legal requirements.

Benefits for your company

  • Guarantee that Ascenty is concerned with operating its infrastructure as efficiently as possible.
  • The satisfaction of knowing that the highest energy efficiency provides a greener performance.

Business Continuity Management |ISO 22301

This standard provides a control framework for managing business continuity in an organization. Business continuity management reduces the likelihood of disruptive incidents, and if any do occur, the organization is ready to respond appropriately, dramatically reducing the potential damage from such an incident.

Benefits of the certification

  • mitigation of systems failure impacts;
  • processes and procedures adapted for business continuity;
  • reduced critical incident time;
  • maintains service delivery even when critical incidents occur;
  • regular systems testing.

Occupational Health & Safety|ISO 45001

Enables organization to identify key issues that can impact operations both positively and negatively, in order to manage its occupational health and safety responsibilities towards its employees, deliver services with excellence and safety, and focus on zero-incidents across the entire staff.

Benefits for your company

  • reduction of occupational accidents and illnesses
  • promotion of a culture of prevention
  • greater compliance with legal and other requirements
  • incorporation of best management practices
  • more organized work processes