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9 cybersecurity tips for companies adopting remote work

Remote work, which seemed distant to some companies before the Covid-19 pandemic, is now part of the daily life of many. What was supposed to be an emergency solution will likely have a lasting impact on how people work. This is what a study by professor André Miceli, ofFundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), points out, concluding that the format should grow about 30% when activities return to normal. In this scenario, in which online operations are increasingly present, one of the actions that should be prioritized is the cybersecurity of systems and applications.

To have an idea of the current dimension of cybercrimes, data from Fortinet Threat Intelligence Latin America show that, in the month of March alone, when the coronavirus pandemic led to social isolation mandates, there were approximately 600 new phishing campaigns per day in most countries. The attacks occur through malicious links, which lead the user to provide personal data on fake pages or download files through illegal software. The goal is to control devices and steal information.

This situation is aggravated by professionals working remotely using their home networks. But that’s not where the problems end. There are several other types of virtual attacks that can compromise operations and cause millions in losses for companies. Therefore, it’s essential to protect yourself.

Cybersecurity: 9 valuable tips for enterprise information security

As mentioned above, organizations can suffer from numerous cyber attacks that are facilitated by remote work, such as spyware, ransomware, hijack, and DDoS. Thinking of helping to ensure the security of their data and applications, we have compiled a list of 9 things you should do to promote cybersecurity both now and in the future :

1. Creating policies and raising employee awareness

The first steps to guarantee that information security measures are successful are to establish clear policies and make employees aware of the importance of following them. In addition, you need to continuously train the teams about the threats that can hinder processes and what precautions to take to protect themselves from each of them, as well as to clearly and directly show how harmful cyber threats can be for employees and company.

2. Investing in cryptography

Cryptography solutions for e-mails and files can significantly help with cybersecurity. The benefit is that their implementation is simplified and does not depend on high investments by companies. For those who don’t know, the practice refers to building and analyzing protocols that prevent malicious users from reading private messages.

3. Installing a VPN

Installing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) which, as the name implies, creates communication networks between computers and devices with restricted access, is also a good strategy for protecting data during remote work. To do that, you can use the infrastructure that already exists in operating systems or open solutions.

4. Using authentication solutions

The two-factor or two-step authentication consists of the user entering a password, followed by a code provided through SMS, tokens, or other resources. Because the codes change constantly, cybercriminals cannot gain access to systems and data.

5. Installing good antivirus software

While working from home, many employees use their own computer and other devices to work. Therefore, they should be encouraged to install antivirus software as well as monitor antivirus updates and new subscriptions to ensure that their systems are operating properly.

Although these systems do not guarantee absolute protection against cybercrime, they already prevent a good deal of attacks, and may even notify you of the presence of suspicious activities such as malware, trojan viruses, worms, and possible changes to the registry and file system of operating systems, for example.

6. Implementing tracking software

Another situation that can compromise the cybersecurity of organizations is the loss or theft of devices provided to employees. To avoid this type of situation, installing tracking tools that locate each device and delete the data remotely is advisable.

7. Creating backups

Even with remote work, maintaining the backup routine (safety copies) to minimize unforeseen events is important. An interesting alternative for companies is to invest in hiring cloud data centers, which ensure efficiency and protection and facilitate remote access to their data.

8. Keeping systems and software up-to-date

Another action that must be taken to promote cybersecurity in companies is to keep operating systems and software up to date. This is because many updates already bring security improvements, as well as new tools and functionalities that can make the corporate day-to-day easier.

9. Watch out for criminals posing as colleagues

Individuals working at home should be extra careful about cybercriminals who may pose as co-workers. They may take advantage of employees, access the professional network of contacts and thus request details about the operation or confidential data, negatively affecting the company, both in terms of business continuity and financial loss.

It’s also worth noting that, along with the practices that optimize the organization’s cybersecurity, preserving the physical integrity of machines and devices used for work is necessary. To this end, professionals should always keep the equipment stored in safe places, even when indoors.

Even though at this moment the contact between people is restricted, minimizing the movement of strangers at home can avoid damage that could take time or cost the company.

Moreover, it’s important that the IT teams take human error into account when implementing cybersecurity solutions. The reason is that, no matter how much training helps in assertive conduct, one is never completely free from criminal acts.

With these measures, your organization can enjoy all the conveniences of remote work, while at the same time having the necessary protection of data and applications.

So, do you like our tips? Want to know more about how we can help your company to increase the level of cybersecurity? Get in touch with one of our consultants.

NAP (Network Access Point): What is it and how can it help you?

Have you ever wondered how corporate connectivity details impact network performance and business strategy?

The truth is that many people don’t know which factors can affect their connectivity. For companies, understanding these concepts is essential – and especially when it comes to NAP (Network Access Point).

After all, the Internet that supplies your business network (usually) does not leave the provider (ISP) to connect directly to your company.

In fact, there are several variables along this path. Everything depends not only on the geographic possibilities of the place, but also on what companies that provide the service and which technologies they use.

NAP (Network Access Point) is a great solution that telecommunications companies have found to allow their customers to make successful connections, expanding their reach without losing internet connection quality.

But how does that affect internet connectivity for organizations?

Having a NAP (Network Access Point) location increases the variety and performance of your connections and improves the interconnection with your Data Centers, as is the case with Ascenty customers.

However, before you start, you should have a firm grasp of this concept and what benefits it brings to businesses. Keep reading to learn more about NAP!

NAP (Network Access Point): What is it and how does it work?
NAP (Network Access Point) is one or more locations with a high level of connectivity and several options to access the main carriers and content. In it, different providers (ISPs) and telecommunications companies set up their POPs (Points of Presence), allowing any business to easily use their connectivity services.

The interconnection between these lines and companies allows customers to reach any location on the globe through the connections provided by the NAP.

What are the characteristics of an NAP (Network Access Point)?

Carrier Neutral;
Easy and cheap acquisition of Cross Connection or Golden Jumper;
Several national and international carriers available;
Traffic exchange points (IX.br);
Content providers;
Leading Cloud Service Providers available (Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle, Google, IBM Cloud). 
Why does your company need an NAP (Network Access Point)?

Any company whose strategy includes developing a regional and global reach, vertical growth for IT environments, adopting hybrid environments, multicloud environments or even interconnecting its environments with multiple suppliers, partners or service providers must be part of an NAP (Network Access Point). After all, it’s the ideal place for them to reach their connectivity and growth targets quickly and easily.

Because it’s a point with several connectivity options, it also offers extreme flexibility to adapt to each company’s strategy. In other words, companies that originally needed to connect with North America and adjusted their strategy to start doing business with Europe can easily acquire connections within the NAP, often acquiring a Cross Connect or Golden Jumper to plug into carriers that serve this region.

By itself, this characteristic of the NAP considerably increases the quality and variety of the connection as a whole. NAPs are usually also recognized for the high volume of information transferred and the large number of companies that are part of this location.

It’s the perfect solution for anyone paying too much for their internet connection, international connections or interconnection. NAP lowers costs and offers a powerful, low-latency connection.

In addition, the interconnection environment promotes an ecosystem where corporate networks not only remain stable, but are scaled. And that takes much more than just connectivity – you also need full-time availability, which the NAP (Network Service Point) provides.

In general, the NAP (Network Access Point) is the ultimate solution for companies looking for a high level of connectivity quality standards.

Benefits of the Ascenty NAP

Ascenty is setting up an NAP (Network Access Point) in São Paulo to enhance its customers’ connection.

This point will also offer an interconnection with the company’s entire ecosystem, enabling customers of any Ascenty Data Center to leverage its benefits to improve their connectivity.

This is possible because the company does not require its customers to set up physical POPs within the Ascenty Data Centers, since it is Carrier Neutral and connectivity is made through integrations and cross connections, either through any carrier or its own network. This is the best path to reach the main carriers, providers and content that the market can offer and demand.

Why is it important for a Data Center and an NAP to be Carrier Neutral?

Simply because it allows them to enable any level of connectivity from any carrier, regardless of which provider your company has chosen.

When it comes to the infrastructure, Ascenty’s NAP (Network Access Point) customers can also rely on the dedication of a leading data center infrastructure provider throughout Latin America.

Excellence in providing high quality standards in connection is one of the core businesses of the company, which has its own fiber optic network, in addition to more than 60 providers spread across Brazil.

Need to improve the quality of your connection, adding redundancy and more security for your data? Talk to one of our specialists right now and find out how the NAP (Network Access Point) solution can solve your connectivity problems!

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Because flexibility is essential in security related matters

Information Security is a great ally in harm-reduction strategies and flexibility is a major differential during database attacks. Security is essential when dealing with extremely important and confidential information, as it provides reliability, demonstrates compliance during audits or regulatory inspections and ensures business continuity in the event of a failure or attack on the system.

There are several flexible technologies available for crisis prevention and resolution. They include:

Install an AntiSpam program

E-mails are a very important communication channel and can also be an entry point for viruses or other system hacks. Using an AntiSpam program is a simple and flexible way of protecting the computer and the company network. This tool helps select unwanted messages and removes them from your inbox. This means that employees do not lose time deleting infected e-mails.

Invest in a digital Certificate

This technology allows the user to safely conduct online transactions and communications. The digital certificate acts as a virtual identity of a private individual or company, device or website. This digital signature guarantees authenticity and integrity of the most sensitive data. This technology can be used for counterfeiting and fraud prevention.

Use a content filter

Your company’s internal network can have content filter tools to stop users access sensitive data or block malicious entities that may pose a risk to the company or its network. This tool provides an edge by providing extra security via site keywords. Furthermore, these filters increase productivity by preventing access to certain websites that are not directly work-related, such as online gaming sites.

Protect your network against DDoS attacks

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks overload company network connectivity, which includes desktops, notebooks, cloud services, providers and IoT (Internet of Things) devices. Each of these devices could become an entry point for hackers to try and infiltrate the network after DDoS attacks.

This demonstrates the importance of prevention and adoption of a DDoS attack management system, in order to stop high volume traffic affecting equipment that provides connectivity and internet access. These attacks could also be used to draw attention away from attacks intended to steal data and carry out other crimes.

The speed these attacks are dealt with is extremely important and they can be prevented without disconnecting or switching off any servers. There are solutions that you can adopt that have been specifically developed to protect your company from these kinds of threats.

Cloud backup

Backing up to cloud serves makes a huge difference in times of crisis, speeding up recovery of sensitive data that a needs to keep running. Cloud computing is the best option for fast data recovery. This technology also can keep your systems up to date and secure. There are several cloud service options that offer protection and you can even use different services depending on your business requirements.

End point security

It is extremely important to focus on your end points! Failure to address mobile devices, desktops and notebook could threaten your entire security strategy. This security measure blocks pen drive access to networks, avoiding unwarranted data transfers that could damage or infect your network.

Security solutions are an important issue for all types of organization and security technologies enhance service performance. This means security is a crucial aspect when dealing with information. Did this article help you to find solutions and promote information security? Contact our specialists!

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Vitória Hotels enhances its IT environment with Ascenty infrastructure

We proudly present the positive results of our partnership with Vitoria Hotels, a chain that runs 5 hotels in Campinas, Paulinia and Indaiatuba. At the end of 2014, the customer transferred a large part of their structure to an Ascenty Data Center, leading to increased security for all its information and processes and greater real-time availability and redundancy.

The Chain

Vitória Hotels relies on the Ascenty market-leading services, a high density co-location structure that ensures more efficient data protection as well as increased availability and redundancy for all operating systems. To support this infrastructure, the customer also hired the dedicated lan-to-lan links on Ascenty’s proprietary network, guaranteeing lower latency and more robust Internet access, as well as the convenience of contracting everything from a single data center and link provider.

Customer Services

The Ascenty data center met all of Vitória Hotels’ requirements, providing the necessary technical differentials that the project required, such as high quality customer service and robust infrastructure, as well as certificates that guarantee data security and protection.

“Ascenty’s excellent technical support, the quality of the infrastructure, robust data protection and real-time redundancy were the differentials that made this partnership work. We also plan to transfer all of our data to the Ascenty Data Centers in the near future”, says André Luiz Dario, TI Manager at Vitória Hotels.

“We are very happy with our partnership with Vitória Hotels. We work hard to understand all of our customers’ requirements so we are able offer a meaningful service that reduces costs by increasing availability and fully securing their information”, says Roberto Rio Branco, Marketing, Sales and Institutional Director at Ascenty. “In addition to our physical security, which includes power contingency plans, triple infrastructure redundancy and many other resources, we also hold the most stringent cyber security certificates, proving that Ascenty is a partner you can depend on to store and process critical data securely”, he adds.

About Vitória Hotels

The hotel chain was founded in 2000 when the Residence NewPort unit, ideal for long-term stays, was unveiled in Campinas. Over the following 16 years, Vitória expanded across the Campinas metropolitan region and currently manages five hotels, three in Campinas (Vitória Hotel Concept Campinas, Residence New Port and Vitória Hotel Express Dom Pedro), one in Indaiatuba (Vitória Hotel Convention Indaiatuba) and the most recent unit in Paulinia (Vitória Hotel Convention Paulínia). All of the Chain’s ventures conform to high quality standards and are constantly striving for service excellence, all of which has made the company a benchmark for hotels across the state of Sao Paulo. Importantly, besides the hotels, the Chain also manages eight restaurants offering a variety of cuisines which have won awards from Veja Campinas Comer&Beber magazine, including the Bellini Ristorante (Mediterranean cuisine), Kindai (Asian) and Esquinica (Contemporary). To find out more, please visit www.vitoriahoteis.com.br

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