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Ascenty and PIT open connection point in Chile

New network interconnection point in Santiago improves quality and reduces cost of internet traffic exchanges in the local market

Ascenty, the leading colocation company in Latin America, with 28 data centers in Brazil, Chile and Mexico – 22 in operation and six under construction – announces a new network interconnection point in its data centers in Chile. The investment was undertaken in partnership with PIT Chile, a neutral and public Internet Exchange Point.

The new offering is part of Ascenty’s project to invest in quality interconnections that increase the benefits to its customers, while always remaining carrier neutral, i.e. ensuring that its customers have direct access to any telecom operator in its data centers. PIT’s total aggregate traffic volume is 9 around Tb/s, which provides quality improvement and cost savings for internet traffic exchanges.

PIT Chile’s point of presence adds to the connectivity ecosystem available to Ascenty’s customers, which includes connections to cloud providers and telecom operators. This interconnection point also adds redundancy to Ascenty’s data center campus, further increasing the availability and resiliency of the solution.

“Collaboration among companies is key for the development of the Chilean market, driving business for our customers – content and traffic owners – and for the operators that distribute to the market”, João Walter, executive manager of Products, Solutions & Edge Strategy at Ascenty, states. “Ascenty stands out in the Chilean market for its world-class data centers with space available to the market, as well as its financially competitive offerings and technical projects that are specifically tailored for each business”, he adds. As said by Daniel Fried, PIT Chile’s commercial director, the partnership and the presence of PIT within Ascenty’s data center structure represent a major evolution for the market seeking quality interconnections and world-class data center offerings. “This is a combination of purposes with a very positive effect for the customers of both companies”, says Daniel.