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Compliance Management|ISO 37301

The purpose of the certification is to help the organization develop and disseminate a positive culture of compliance, with solid and effective risk management applied to all company activities. This new seal not only complements ISO 37001, on anti-bribery management – which Ascenty has also earned. It comprehensively audits all of the company’s processes. Case in point, employees, suppliers and customers are now fully monitored from the beginning of the contract until its termination and their conduct and also the legislation and best practices applied to each stage of service delivery are assessed.

Ascenty and PIT open connection point in Chile

New network interconnection point in Santiago improves quality and reduces cost of internet traffic exchanges in the local market

Ascenty, the leading colocation company in Latin America, with 28 data centers in Brazil, Chile and Mexico – 22 in operation and six under construction – announces a new network interconnection point in its data centers in Chile. The investment was undertaken in partnership with PIT Chile, a neutral and public Internet Exchange Point.

The new offering is part of Ascenty’s project to invest in quality interconnections that increase the benefits to its customers, while always remaining carrier neutral, i.e. ensuring that its customers have direct access to any telecom operator in its data centers. PIT’s total aggregate traffic volume is 9 around Tb/s, which provides quality improvement and cost savings for internet traffic exchanges.

PIT Chile’s point of presence adds to the connectivity ecosystem available to Ascenty’s customers, which includes connections to cloud providers and telecom operators. This interconnection point also adds redundancy to Ascenty’s data center campus, further increasing the availability and resiliency of the solution.

“Collaboration among companies is key for the development of the Chilean market, driving business for our customers – content and traffic owners – and for the operators that distribute to the market”, João Walter, executive manager of Products, Solutions & Edge Strategy at Ascenty, states. “Ascenty stands out in the Chilean market for its world-class data centers with space available to the market, as well as its financially competitive offerings and technical projects that are specifically tailored for each business”, he adds. As said by Daniel Fried, PIT Chile’s commercial director, the partnership and the presence of PIT within Ascenty’s data center structure represent a major evolution for the market seeking quality interconnections and world-class data center offerings. “This is a combination of purposes with a very positive effect for the customers of both companies”, says Daniel.

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NVIDIA ratifies Ascenty as a data center, interconnection and telecom partner to support its customers’ digital services expansion strategy

New partnership offers highly efficient data centers with high density to support the key demands for processing and technological solutions

Ascenty, leader in the colocation market in Latin America – with 27 proprietary data centers in Brazil, Chile and Mexico, 17 of which are already in operation and another 10 are under construction –, announces a new partnership with NVIDIA, a company that redefined modern computer graphics, high-performance computing and artificial intelligence (AI).

The partnership between the companies consists of the ratification of Ascenty’s data centers to host a wide range of NVIDIA Enterprise environments and solutions, which allow customers of both companies to leverage what each player has to offer, enabling the integration of platforms through hybrid environments and high-capacity global interconnects.

NVIDIA has several offerings and solutions, developed to meet the needs of cloud computing, edge computing, networking, virtualization, artificial intelligence, in addition to software solutions with embedded high technology.

According to Marcio Aguiar, director of NVIDIA’s Enterprise Division for Latin America, “This partnership enables Ascenty’s data centers to receive our solutions and those that are sized for our customers. This increases the reach of technology, accelerating digital transformation and bringing a high standard of data centers and connectivity for our offering, strengthening and empowering our customers.”

As for Ascenty, the partnership is the result of focus on the services provided, where the data center, the interconnection and the high level of technology provide a scenario that is very much in line with the company’s current and future interests. “We complement each other’s offerings and deliver what is best for our customers. In particular, we are committed to high quality interconnection, security and flexibility in services. Therefore, it is natural that we mutually recommend each other to amplify our business opportunities,” says João Walter, Executive Product Manager at Ascenty.

Ascenty continues to bet strongly on its carrier neutral policy, always aiming to act fairly and ethically so that telecom operators and ISPs can continue to access its data centers and increase the reach of its wide ecosystem, in addition to enhancing the traffic exchange points of IX.br, which currently operates in several data centers.

According to the Ascenty executive, “our main role is to ensure that our customers are able to access the content they need, regardless of where the content is hosted. Therefore, we created a unique ecosystem concept, which breaks the barriers of interconnection.”

Marçal Bonke | CONTROLLER

Marçal has 35 years of experience in Accounting and Finance, working in all levels and especially leadership positions in Corporate Controller, Business Controller, Financial and Strategic Planning, Financial Operations, and team training. He worked for multinational corporations such as Alcoa, Monsanto, Motorola and Diebold Nixdorf.

Marçal participated in the Motorola International Finance Leadership Training Program through multifunctional projects in the fields of Consolidation, Finance for Distribution, and LATAM Sales, Corporate Internal Audit, and Accounting of Manufacturing Costs, throughout 18 months in the U.S.

He has a degree in Accounting and a graduate degree in the Specialization Course for Undergraduates of Fundação Getúlio Vargas – CEAG-FGV.


José Carlos is an Electrical Engineer with a graduate degree in Occupational Safety Engineering, Project Management and Health Management. His career spans across more than 20 years in technology companies such as Ericsson Telecomunicações and IBM.

In the latter, he led the Occupational Safety team, providing support to the Business Units in Brazil regarding Occupational Health & Safety, and was part of the Management Leadership Americas Team.

At Ascenty, José Carlos takes on the Occupational Health & Safety area in all units and countries where the company operates.


Eduardo has worked in the Telecommunication Infrastructure segment since 2001. He started his career at Canbras/TVA (Vivax/Net Serviços) with experience in all technical areas, from projects, construction and operation of networks. He also experienced the massification of fiber-optic networks for last-mile contracts in landline carriers and backhaul for mobile carriers.

He has been working at Ascenty since its start-up and has been in Management since 2017.
Eduardo is a civil engineer graduated from Unip and he is now responsible for Ascenty’s Network Planning, Special Projects, Backbone and Regulatory areas.

Ascenty connects to all Cable Landing Stations in Brazil

Ascenty, Latin America’s leader in colocation services – with 22 proprietary data centers spread across Brazil, Chile and Mexico, 15 of which are in operation and seven under construction – will link up to all Cable Landing Stations (connection points to international submarine cables) by the end of 2020.

Ascenty’s fiber optic network will be connected to all submarine cables currently in operation in Brazil, connected to three stations: Praia Grande, in the State of São Paulo, Praia do Futuro, in Ceará, and Rio de Janeiro; as well as two others that will be completed by the end of the year: Malbec Cable, linking Brazil and Argentina, and EllaLink, connecting Brazil and Europe, which contractors say are on track to be finished by December 2020.

By expanding the Cable Landing network in Brazil, the connection between countries, continents and states improves the capacity to send telecommunications signals over long distances, since submarine cables are responsible for 99% of communications between countries separated by oceans.

All Ascenty data centers are connected to the new NAP Brazil, which forms a complete connectivity ecosystem. That means all Ascenty customers have full access to the connectivity and solutions ecosystem.

“This scenario will give us the perfect interconnection environment for our customers, who are looking for a low-latency, high-capacity interconnection. Because in addition to connectivity with all Cable Landing Stations, we also have the Network Access Point (NAP), which are one or more points with high connectivity potential and access to the world’s leading carriers,” said Marcos Siqueira, Vice President of Operations at Ascenty.

The main objective of having a connection between the data center and the Cable Landing Station is to ensure that information reaches customers quickly and reliably, thus enabling a vast array of projects, interconnections and global reach.

Ascenty was named leader of the ISG Provider Lens™ 2020 Colocation Services Quadrant in Brazil, as the independent study by the Information Services Group (ISG) emphasized that the company “provides unparalleled capacity to accommodate the large data centers of the most demanding customers.” According to analyst and author of the ISG report, Pedro Bicudo, Ascenty has been providing an excellent contribution towards developing the data center market in Brazil. “Its investment capacity to expand the service offering is unparalleled, ensuring that companies can grow their digital businesses without worrying about the data center space, which is always accessible through Ascenty,” Bicudo said.

In addition to creating a routing point for international carriers within Ascenty, it also guarantees the best transport between underwater stations and the data center through the underground optical fiber network, offering a high-quality connection, very low latency and international reach.

With a fully interconnected ecosystem, Ascenty’s data centers are carrier neutral, allowing customers to connect via dozens of national and international carriers, Internet Service Providers (ISP) or even Ascenty’s dedicated network. 

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Why choose a Carrier Neutral data center?

The increasing use of the internet, and the resulting exponential growth in digital data ultimately led to an upsurge in the number of data centers to meet the demands of companies of all sizes and segments.

However, there are two types of data centers in the market: Carrier Neutral and Carrier Specific.

 Carrier Neutral data centers allow access and interconnection to several different carriers, offering optimal services to your business. Carrier Specific data centers, on the other hand, only work with a single carrier, which controls all access to corporate data. This might not be the ideal choice.

After clarifying this important difference between them, in this article we have listed the main advantages to take into account when choosing a Carrier Neutral data center over a Carrier Specific one for your organization. Check it out!

Carrier Neutral Data Center: What is it?            

A Carrier Neutral data center – or simply “neutral” – enables interconnection between several different telecommunications carriers and the colocation solution provider.

 Even if some of the data centers are owned and operated by ISPs (Internet Service Providers), Carrier Neutral data centers are operated by third parties (usually by the colocation solution supplier), which has little or no part in providing internet access services.

That is what makes the Carrier Neutral data center a more interesting choice compared to Carrier Specific. They promote competition and diversity, since a service located in a colocation can have a single or multiple providers, or even connect only to the head office of the company that owns the server, for example. 

Another major hosting benefit in Carrier Neutral data centers is the ability to change the internet provider as needed without having to physically move the server elsewhere.

We have also listed 4 other main benefits of the Carrier Neutral Data Center solution. Check them out below.

Benefits of a Carrier Neutral Data Center for your business:

1.       Free to use any carrier

 Colocation data center solutions offer a high level of control and scalability, reducing the need for developing new projects when your company’s demand increases or decreases.

 In addition, the neutrality aspect further expands this opportunity to save. Since companies are free to use any carrier in a Carrier Neutral data center, they can choose the one that offers the best contract. That is, the one that meets their needs with the best cost-to-benefit ratio.

2.   Competitive edge: scalability and flexibility

 The flexibility to quickly shift your data management strategy is yet an other advantage of the colocation solution.

The Carrier Neutral model is essential to those looking to expand their business. All it takes is a few commands in an interface or a call to the colocation central to increase or decrease the network transmission capacity.

All of this scalability and flexibility represent another important edge in such a fiercely competitive market.

And this element is very important for organizations working with processes using data that require immediate access any time of the day, regardless of the size of information flow and client needs, for example.

 3.   More freedom for your business

 Making changes in case of an emergency is much easier when you have several options available, right? The flexibility of being able to use different carriers based on your data center is also a unique benefit of neutral alternatives.

This is a benefit you can’t find in Carrier Specific data centers.

Since Carrier Neutral data centers do not belong to any specific carrier, this also means greater resilience when it comes to accessing your company’s data.

 4.   Local and regional redundancy

 Carrier Neutral data centers offer local and regional redundancy. But what does that mean?

Basically, the term means duplicating the information stored in these data centers.

The goal is to ensure your data can still be accessed even after hardware failures, damages and even natural disasters at the head office of the colocation solution provider, for example.

This benefit grants neutral data center users all of the options they need to protect their significant investments in virtual infrastructure and data, even when facing a serious setback.

Working with carrier neutral data centers clearly offers a wide range of benefits to your organization. Ascenty offers Carrier Neutral data centers for your company to use its network or define a provider that best meets its needs.

Contact our experts to learn what your company stands to gain by switching to Carrier Neutral data centers.

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NAP benefits for corporations

Connectivity is a key element for companies to thrive in today’s marketplace. The vast supply of services, on the other hand, muddles the limitation of several connectivity resources. This prevents corporations from accessing 100% of the information, which ultimately affects their business. However, there is a concept that can change all of this: NAP. Learn more about its benefits here.

The NAP concept

NAP stands for Network Access Point. One or multiple points with high connectivity potential and access to main Carriers, providers and contents worldwide.

One of the main benefits of the NAP is that ISPs connect their POPs (Point of Presence) to it, in order to interconnect with the main services and contents. This allows companies to access any local and global resource via the NAP connection.

In other words, the NAP enables corporations to transcend barriers and frontiers, connecting to a world of new possibilities.

In simple terms, the NAP makes it easier to access information, allowing companies to break free from the limitations of their countries or geographical regions, besides accessing a wide range of international connections.

ROI in Colocation: the full rundown

NAP benefits: what companies stand to gain

Modernization and coverage are the main keywords.

The NAP offers several benefits in general. There is a wide range of different options that add value to companies that contract this service. However, all of them focus on modernizing and expanding the reach of your business.

NAP enables the development of your IT sector, adopting multicloud environments or even hybrid environments much easier and more efficiently.

This service allows you to interconnect your environments to as many vendors and partners you need.

That is why this resource fuels companies that seek to scale their own business through major changes in their network infrastructure. The NAP also helps maintain maximum efficiency in your production routine, guaranteeing an available and very low-latency connection.

It includes resources such as Golden Jumper or Cross Connect to bolster your strategic execution, connecting your company to the entire world.

This means a company based in Brazil can use all of the structure and applications of carriers operating in Europe, North America, Africa and many other locations!

The NAP’s benefits are even better for companies that rely on international connections to carry out their business activities. The NAP gives your company a powerful connection with much lower operational costs.

Having an NAP is crucial for companies seeking to update their network and maximize the coverage of their operations.

The differential of NAP at Ascenty

It’s one thing to use an ordinary NAP service, but nothing compared to Ascenty’s NAP.

Ascenty’s data centers feature countless international carriers. That is why the company can take its clients to wherever they need to go.

Ascenty’s NAP is an interconnection point that allows clients to reach content and information anywhere in the world.

How is this possible?

In Ascenty’s design, fiber-optic cables are connected to the Submarine Cable Landing Stations in Praia Grande (state of São Paulo). That is where the first and main connection points of submarine fibers of major international carriers are located.

Instead of simply creating a routing point for the signal of these international carriers within Ascenty, we take one step further and ensure optimal transport between the submarine stations and the Data Center, through the fiber-optic network itself.

This ensures an extremely high-quality connection with very low latency and international coverage, allowing clients to access and use countless resources from several different carriers.

By contracting any carrier (with a connectivity point at Ascenty), your company already has access to the benefits of Ascenty’s NAP. Simply request a link for the carrier to make a cross-connect and bring your company to Ascenty’s NAP. All of that without even having to contract a Rack or data center at Ascenty.

After all, Ascenty strives to meet each and every one of your business needs, delivering custom services to help solve your problems and ensure scalable growth for your company.

Besides, it is important to point out that all of Ascenty’s data centers are connected to the NAP. That means that all clients have full access to the entire ecosystem of connectivity and solutions.

Enhance the quality of your connection, securing your data and expanding access to information around the world – schedule a meeting with our experts and let us guide your company through this modernization process!

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Ascenty and Digital Realty spearhead Colocation infrastructure worldwide after acquiring InterXion for $ 8.4 billion

Digital Realty, one of Ascenty’s parent companies in joint venture with Brookfield, has just acquired InterXion, an European leader with more than 50 Data Centers, for $ 8.4 billion. This positions the group as the leading provider of Colocation infrastructure, covering all demand across the Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific markets.

“In this new scenario, in addition to allowing clients to scale their Data Center space without making huge investments, the integration with InterXion allows clients to integrate their Data Centers to a global platform, besides relying on the best local infrastructure,” said Chris Torto, CEO of Ascenty.

InterXion has 53 Data Centers across 11 countries and 13 metropolitan areas in Europe, including Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Paris, and the InterXion Internet Gateway in Marseille. This will boost the portfolio of Ascenty and Digital Realty to more than 260 Data Centers across 20 countries, making it the largest colocation brand in the world.

This new global position also strengthens Ascenty’s leadership in Latin America, since the company already has 21 units under development in the region, 14 of which are already operational, with a solid presence in Brazil and currently expanding operations to Chile and Mexico.

“Latin America is a promising growth region for Ascenty. Over the past few years, we have received investments from Digital Realty and Brookfield, studying the market to grow our operations in countries other than Brazil, ultimately boosting business opportunities and expanding our coverage,” said Roberto Rio Branco, Ascenty’s Vice President of Marketing and Institutional Relations.

Besides its 21 data centers, Ascenty has an interconnection ecosystem that features 4,500 kilometers of dedicated fiber-optic network, connecting all of the data centers in operation with the world’s leading cloud providers and cable landing stations in Brazil. The company’s facilities are carrier neutral, which allows its customers to connect through any carrier or through its own dedicated network.

According to Rio Branco, “in addition to investments in quality infrastructure, other aspects that have enabled the company’s exponential growth include efficient service and flexibility to tackle any business challenge – now on a global scale.

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