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NAP benefits for corporations

Connectivity is a key element for companies to thrive in today’s marketplace. The vast supply of services, on the other hand, muddles the limitation of several connectivity resources. This prevents corporations from accessing 100% of the information, which ultimately affects their business. However, there is a concept that can change all of this: NAP. Learn more about its benefits here.

The NAP concept

NAP stands for Network Access Point. One or multiple points with high connectivity potential and access to main Carriers, providers and contents worldwide.

One of the main benefits of the NAP is that ISPs connect their POPs (Point of Presence) to it, in order to interconnect with the main services and contents. This allows companies to access any local and global resource via the NAP connection.

In other words, the NAP enables corporations to transcend barriers and frontiers, connecting to a world of new possibilities.

In simple terms, the NAP makes it easier to access information, allowing companies to break free from the limitations of their countries or geographical regions, besides accessing a wide range of international connections.

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NAP benefits: what companies stand to gain

Modernization and coverage are the main keywords.

The NAP offers several benefits in general. There is a wide range of different options that add value to companies that contract this service. However, all of them focus on modernizing and expanding the reach of your business.

NAP enables the development of your IT sector, adopting multicloud environments or even hybrid environments much easier and more efficiently.

This service allows you to interconnect your environments to as many vendors and partners you need.

That is why this resource fuels companies that seek to scale their own business through major changes in their network infrastructure. The NAP also helps maintain maximum efficiency in your production routine, guaranteeing an available and very low-latency connection.

It includes resources such as Golden Jumper or Cross Connect to bolster your strategic execution, connecting your company to the entire world.

This means a company based in Brazil can use all of the structure and applications of carriers operating in Europe, North America, Africa and many other locations!

The NAP’s benefits are even better for companies that rely on international connections to carry out their business activities. The NAP gives your company a powerful connection with much lower operational costs.

Having an NAP is crucial for companies seeking to update their network and maximize the coverage of their operations.

The differential of NAP at Ascenty

It’s one thing to use an ordinary NAP service, but nothing compared to Ascenty’s NAP.

Ascenty’s data centers feature countless international carriers. That is why the company can take its clients to wherever they need to go.

Ascenty’s NAP is an interconnection point that allows clients to reach content and information anywhere in the world.

How is this possible?

In Ascenty’s design, fiber-optic cables are connected to the Submarine Cable Landing Stations in Praia Grande (state of São Paulo). That is where the first and main connection points of submarine fibers of major international carriers are located.

Instead of simply creating a routing point for the signal of these international carriers within Ascenty, we take one step further and ensure optimal transport between the submarine stations and the Data Center, through the fiber-optic network itself.

This ensures an extremely high-quality connection with very low latency and international coverage, allowing clients to access and use countless resources from several different carriers.

By contracting any carrier (with a connectivity point at Ascenty), your company already has access to the benefits of Ascenty’s NAP. Simply request a link for the carrier to make a cross-connect and bring your company to Ascenty’s NAP. All of that without even having to contract a Rack or data center at Ascenty.

After all, Ascenty strives to meet each and every one of your business needs, delivering custom services to help solve your problems and ensure scalable growth for your company.

Besides, it is important to point out that all of Ascenty’s data centers are connected to the NAP. That means that all clients have full access to the entire ecosystem of connectivity and solutions.

Enhance the quality of your connection, securing your data and expanding access to information around the world – schedule a meeting with our experts and let us guide your company through this modernization process!