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IX: what is it and how does it work?

The Internet is an essential service in the corporate world. However, few people really know how its structure works. Unlike what many people imagine, the web is not a single network that works centrally, for example. The Internet is a set of networks that interconnect autonomously. Thus, one of the solutions used to make this connection is IXP/IX. 

From IXP to IX: the naming change 

Recently, the term Internet eXchange Point (IXP) has been replaced by IX (Internet Exchange). This change aimed to standardize the Brazilian nomenclature so that it would conform to international standards.

In Brazil, IX coordination is carried out by CGIbr, while the operation is carried out by technically qualified non-profit organizations, which establish the necessary requirements for architectures and management of interconnections.

IX: What is it?

In short, an Internet Exchange, or simply IX, is a physical location through which Internet infrastructure companies, such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and companies with AS (Autonomous System), connect with each other. 

IXs are at the “edge” of different networks and allow internet service providers to share traffic outside their own network, for example. 

That is, by having a presence inside IX, companies can shorten their path to traffic from other networks participating in this solution, thus reducing latency, improving data transfer times and potentially reducing operational costs.

How does an IX work?

As we saw earlier, the Internet works as an interconnection of several networks, with IX playing the role of connecting providers. That is, in addition to being located in a physical environment, it is an interesting resource to make interconnection more effective.

IX also works as a kind of HUB, in which internet service providers connect their environments. In the end, with it, all data traffic is carried out faster and with lower internet costs.

The more well-structured the IX, the greater the speed and amount of data transferred within the network. This is great for the efficiency of the connection of the devices connected to it.

On IX, the connection can range from a few Megabits per second to many Terabits per second. Regardless of size, the primary purpose of IX is to ensure that several network routers are connected quickly and efficiently.

Why is IX important? 

Providers that use the IX solution have numerous benefits, including cost savings, bandwidth savings and higher traffic speed, for example.

In addition to these advantages, providers have the opportunity to offer connections to other access providers, facilitating the connection of companies located far from the IX. Thus, IX works as an excellent resource to increase internet connection performance across the country, as well as increase the ROI of ISPs.

Please note that to be able to access IX, Internet providers need a company that offers a PIX (point of interconnection) Data Center, as is the case with Ascenty. Ascenty’s PIX has the advantage of optimizing the path through which data flows within the network.

PIX: Ascenty’s IX solution 

Ascenty’s PIX connection provides a direct link between the networks of major ISPs and AS companies, facilitating the exchange of information and traffic between them. The Ascenty connection to the IX delivers connectivity services with more than 4,500 km of its own optical fiber throughout the São Paulo Metropolitan Area and Fortaleza. 

This feature provides key competitive edges for your company, such as higher connection speed between providers and lower bandwidth use. This results in even faster access and much lower costs for the business. 

Are you interested in these benefits or do you want to learn more about IX? Contact us and talk to one of our consultants to learn how this solution can improve your traffic! We are ready to help you.