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Because flexibility is essential in security related matters

Information Security is a great ally in harm-reduction strategies and flexibility is a major differential during database attacks. Security is essential when dealing with extremely important and confidential information, as it provides reliability, demonstrates compliance during audits or regulatory inspections and ensures business continuity in the event of a failure or attack on the system.

There are several flexible technologies available for crisis prevention and resolution. They include:

Install an AntiSpam program

E-mails are a very important communication channel and can also be an entry point for viruses or other system hacks. Using an AntiSpam program is a simple and flexible way of protecting the computer and the company network. This tool helps select unwanted messages and removes them from your inbox. This means that employees do not lose time deleting infected e-mails.

Invest in a digital Certificate

This technology allows the user to safely conduct online transactions and communications. The digital certificate acts as a virtual identity of a private individual or company, device or website. This digital signature guarantees authenticity and integrity of the most sensitive data. This technology can be used for counterfeiting and fraud prevention.

Use a content filter

Your company’s internal network can have content filter tools to stop users access sensitive data or block malicious entities that may pose a risk to the company or its network. This tool provides an edge by providing extra security via site keywords. Furthermore, these filters increase productivity by preventing access to certain websites that are not directly work-related, such as online gaming sites.

Protect your network against DDoS attacks

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks overload company network connectivity, which includes desktops, notebooks, cloud services, providers and IoT (Internet of Things) devices. Each of these devices could become an entry point for hackers to try and infiltrate the network after DDoS attacks.

This demonstrates the importance of prevention and adoption of a DDoS attack management system, in order to stop high volume traffic affecting equipment that provides connectivity and internet access. These attacks could also be used to draw attention away from attacks intended to steal data and carry out other crimes.

The speed these attacks are dealt with is extremely important and they can be prevented without disconnecting or switching off any servers. There are solutions that you can adopt that have been specifically developed to protect your company from these kinds of threats.

Cloud backup

Backing up to cloud serves makes a huge difference in times of crisis, speeding up recovery of sensitive data that a needs to keep running. Cloud computing is the best option for fast data recovery. This technology also can keep your systems up to date and secure. There are several cloud service options that offer protection and you can even use different services depending on your business requirements.

End point security

It is extremely important to focus on your end points! Failure to address mobile devices, desktops and notebook could threaten your entire security strategy. This security measure blocks pen drive access to networks, avoiding unwarranted data transfers that could damage or infect your network.

Security solutions are an important issue for all types of organization and security technologies enhance service performance. This means security is a crucial aspect when dealing with information. Did this article help you to find solutions and promote information security? Contact our specialists!